MGF Serves as a fundamental evangelical mission, supporting missionaries where God has called them to serve throughout North America.
Missionary Gospel Fellowship began in 1939 from the vision of Paul J. Pietsch, a former Federal Probation Officer,
who found an unfilled need in bringing Jesus Christ to migrant farm laborers arriving in California from dust bowl states.
Mr. Pietsch and five Christian businessmen incorporated MGF on October 27, 1942, organizing the work as an independent,
non-denominational mission. In the years since incorporation, as the ethnicity of migrant farm workers changed, MGF workers
have reached many other peoples. Today MGF missionaries are bringing Christ to Hispanics, Asiatics, West Indians, plus Native Americans,
isolated rural populations, cults, and inner city ethnic groups through evangelism and discipleship. Although the ministries are greatly
varied, the focus of MGF continues on today.
MGF Canada was incorporated in 1997 to serve the needs of supporting missionaries from Canada.
Revenue Canada Charity Number: 887637437RR0001